Spirulina capsules

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4,60£ HT

Spirulina powder in vegetable capsules

Spirulina, by its scientific name: spirulina Arthrospira Platensis, is a filamentous cyanobacterium of blue-green color in the shape of a spiral and often wrongly considered as an algae. Classified in the family of “super foods”, spirulina is considered by the World Health Organization as the best food for humanity in the 21st century and also the most complete because of its rather exceptional composition.
Spirulina is one of the most effective food supplements whose positive effects on health are very palpable. The nutritional virtues of spirulina are so great that it is used to combat malnutrition in various African countries. Natural spirulina helps boost the immune system through its various components. It is also very useful for balancing the diet in the context of weight loss. It can be used to gain weight as well as lose it.
Spirulina comes from organic farming, 100% natural.
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Phycocyanin is the most exceptional pigment that is part of the composition of spirulina. It is a powerful antioxidant with perfect bioavailability, present at 16% in our capsules.

Composition: 100% Spirulina
Spirulina drying: The spirulina is distributed on shelves which are placed in an oven. Drying by ventilation can last 8 hours at an ideal temperature between 35 and 40 C° so as not to lose its nutritional values.
Conditioning: 60 vegetable capsules each dosed at 300mg
Use: 2 to 5 capsules per day before meals, on an empty stomach.
Origin : Brittany France

To learn more about the benefits of Spirulina, give your opinion, leave a comment or a testimonial, visit the blog : Organic spirulina

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La spiruline est une algue spiralée qui existe depuis 3 milliards d’années. Faible en calorie, elle contient une grande quantité de protéines, d’antioxydants (caroténoïdes, phycocyanine) et d’acide gamma-linolénique (issu de la famille des oméga-6).
Spirulina capsules
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