Vitamin C Pure L-Ascorbic Acid

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16,30£ HT

100g sachet of natural Vitamin C powder
Vitamin C from the Biologiquement laboratory is manufactured using a process using biofermentation, in an ISO 9001:2015 and FSSC 22000 certified factory that meets the highest quality standards.
Biologiquement's L(+)-ascorbic acid is the natural form of vitamin C found in plants.
Synthetic ascorbic acid is no different from the ascorbic acid found in natural foods.

Plant origin: our vitamin C is synthesized from non-GMO, non-irradiated and non-ionized corn. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Composition: L-ascorbic acid powder, more than 99.9% pure, our vitamin C is of the dextrorotatory L-ascorbic acid type (the only form assimilated by the body).
Pharmaceutical grade: supplement devoid of additives, dyes, solvents and heavy metals.
Conditioning: Bag of 100g
Use: Take 1 to 2 teaspoons per day in a large glass of water at mealtimes.

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La vitamine C agit comme un antioxydant, indispensable au renforcement du système immunitaire et à la lutte contre le stress des radicaux libres.
Vitamin C Pure L-Ascorbic Acid
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